Hanover Fish and Game
Shooting and Hunting Regulations
After listening to concerns and suggestions at our December meeting, your Board of Directors have established the following guidelines to ensure the safety of all club members utilizing the Hanover property.
Effective Immediately
Hanover generates the majority of its revenue from the shooting sports and therefore makes them a priority. As such, any time the club is to be engaged in scheduled shooting activities; Trap, Sporting Clays, or Five Stand, there will be no hunting and the rifle range will be closed. These dates will be available on the club's Facebook page and Website, and are subject to change. If in doubt, feel free to contact one of the Directors.
Work parties/maintenance may necessitate the closing of the Rifle Range, without prior notice. If a member is on the range when workers arrive, they will be made aware that the range is to be closed, will have 20 minutes to wrap up, police the area (clean up brass, paper targets etc.), and vacate.
Until every member is familiar with these new guidelines, we ask you to be tolerant and patient. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated, and any threat to a members' well being, veiled or otherwise, will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including revocation of membership.
Please remember that range use and hunting are for MEMBERS ONLY.